Despre noi
Retina-Ready & Responsive
The entire idea of the retina-ready technology is to give sharper images, and to create something that would look as sharp as it would in print. This is what you will find in the Monstroid WordPress theme. All users, no matter what devices they’re using, will be able to browse your Monstroid-powered site without any lags due to the responsive nature of this theme.
MotoPress Slider
With MotoPress Slider you can create slides and galleries with layer based animations, meaning that you can add as much elements as you need, and supply each and every with a particular animation type. This plugin is absolutely ideal for powering up beautiful slideshows giving them smooth animation. You’ll benefit from a simple and intuitive setup interface and will be able to create responsive slideshows.
Free updates & Support
In case something goes wrong you’re free to contact our support team that is available 24/7, all the year round. This is a life-time option, meaning that becoming the customer of TemplateMonster you can use support team’s services any time, for no cost at all. Also becoming the owner of Monstroid theme you will get free updates also forever!
Locatii birouri Enagic
Our History
TemplateMonster team used 13 year experience to build the most advanced WordPress theme ever built. The Monstroid was created with all those remarks and wishes our clients ever expressed. Every single feature or option you will ever need can be found inside this theme.
Incididunt ut labore et dolore
Incididunt ut labore et dolore
Incididunt ut labore et dolore
Am pacienti care au consumat aceasta apa de la mine, carora li s-a redus piatra la rinichi. De asemenea apa Kangen fiind intretinatoare de viata, nu are nici un fel de contraindicatii pentru organismul uman. In linii mari, cine achizitioneaza un aparat de acest fel isi asigura sanatatea si in mod implicit prelungirea vietii, atat
Prin bunavointa d-lui Dan (cabinetul Terra Vita), care mi-a oferit gratuit apa Kangen, am inceput sa consum zilnic minim 2 litri. Dupa o saptamana au inceput sa dispara durerile de oase, de rinichi iar corpul meu a inceput sa prinda putere.
De atunci consum cu toata increderea aceasta apa minunata !
Acum, dupa sase luni in care am consumat doar aceasta apa pot sa spun ca am scapat de o sinuzita veche, de senzatia de “picioare reci”, de sangerarile gingivale si… ma simt excelent. Chiar mi s-a parut foarte potrivita afirmatia unui director de la Institutul Apei din Japonia cand am citit acum cateva zile ca
Asa simt si eu la cei 49 ani ai mei !